Thursday, November 14, 2013

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Review

Covering the extensive and addictive multiplayer, to the exhilarating and awesome campaign, here is a review of the gameplay/ graphics of the 4th in the Call of Duty Series, and the predecessor of the Modern Warfare series. Read on...
Read the review for COD MW1 (all consoles) below.

Hi guys! This is Elite with my first ever review on GenerationXSpot. Please comment for more reviews for the latest games. I prefer to start from oldest, if you don't mind. Here we go.....

Genre: First Person Shooter
Published by: Activison
Developed by: Infinity Ward
Released: November, 2007

Score by Audience: No scores submitted yet. Please comment.
Score by Author (Gameplay, Graphics): 7.5/10
Best Aspect: Multiplayer, storyline

 Another one of the series of the Call of Duty franchise, ranging from COD 1,2 then 3, all developed by Infinity Ward. The gameplay is similar to that of COD 2 and 3, with a first person view and some extra graphics compared to the latter. The campaign offers a very "modern" gameplay, with a battle raging in the 21st century, with today's vast war equipment and new experience, very different from the older CODs, which were based in the World Wars. This game lighted the fuse to the new era of modern age gaming, the weapons of this game were further improved the next game of the series, Modern Warfare 2 and so on. While the game is actually good, it is overrated than Medal of Honor (just like Messi, yeah, I'm not a Barcelona fan).

 The campaign is the best I've seen in the whole Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series, standing a close second to COD: Black Ops. Probably because it was the first ever to be played. But nevertheless the campaign is very well plotted from the Prologue all the way to the Epilogue. The storyline shows the epic and fun missions of Bravo Six in the SAS and USMC. President Al-Fulani of Egypt is taken prisoner and executed on live TV, which causes worldwide protest as Al-Asad claims to be ruling the New Middle East under orders of Imran Zakheav. I personally liked the coolness and secrecy of the British SAS, and the awesome open warfare of the US Marines. The storyline showed real promise. The way you (the player) are wandering like a lost soul and suddenly you diffuse into a body, either Paul Jackson or "Soap" Mactavish, right before a mission. The Marines fight openly to stop Khaled-Al-Asad, while the SAS work quietly to retrieve informants and take down the UltraNationalists who are keeping Al-Asad safe. It actually was very emotional in the end with the deaths of our partners (yes, Gaz is dead, even after applying hacks and checking there is too much blood for him to survive),

The gameplay is fine in comparison to older versions. The single-player gameplay is sweet, which real first-person animations, such as in many missions you have to complete objectives by placing something (explosive and so forth), opening doors, etc. The team-battle in single-player is very fun and cool, with friendly-fire and commands. I played the game on Veteran on my PC, and noted that to survive you must follow the commands carefully and to the point.
A well-taken shot

 But the gameplay effects are not much to brag about. The first-person movements are repeated constantly, so it does not give a VERY good first-person effect. The enemy models and movements are repeated thoroughly and are sluggish. There are only (I think) 5 enemy player models for the Spetsnaz (enemy forces). The enemy also takes advantage of perks like Last Stand, while we can use grenade launchers and awesome guns with really good customizations (which are weirdly not available in multi-player, like Holographic Sight shown in the picture). But the weapon warfare is nice. Like get hit with a grenade and get hurt real bad. Throw back grenades close to you. The five-second grenade count (very useful if used correctly). Get hurt a lot and get smears of blood on your face and your breath speeds up. The snipers (my favorite type of gun) are fine but there is not much variety in singe-player. Mostly you will only find the Dragunov Rifle.

 The aspect of the game that really captured my eye, and the main reason I wrote a review is the awesome multi-player. There are various game modes which are really awesome and it can be considered a hardcore arcade gane
Corpses set to "Insane"

Owning players online (GameRanger)

This game is really recommended if you want to play the Modern Warfare series (the new one Ghosts, just released in Pakistan on Xbox, I'm gonna play it later) from the start, with not much difference from the next of the MW series (typical of Call of Duty, all of them look the same).


gamerdude said...

nice analysis bro......

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